54 research outputs found

    Reading habits in the digital age: marketing strategies to promote reading among children and young adults

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    Reading is a form of active learning, and cultivation of reading habits is vital for every child and young adult. However, according to the world’s most in-depth and trustworthy indicator of students’ abilities, PISA, reading skills among youngsters are barely improving. The project aims to deliver answers to the questions: what is the overall state of the reading habits of European children and young adults?; how is reading encouraged and promoted to children and young adults in the digital age?; what marketing and advertising strategies and initiatives are being introduced and practiced in Europe to encourage and promote reading among children and young adults?. To follow this aim we propose a survey overview on children’s and young adult’s reading habits and attitudes; bibliographical review of previous research on the topic of reading promotion, positive practices and marketing strategies; and a questionnaire survey, conducted among European organizations, involved in book and reading promotion. By observing the gathered data, we were able to conclude that reading habits and attitudes of children and young adults are predetermined at a very young age. The most important influencing factors that we examined were the active home literacy environment with access to books and literacy materials at an early age; the application of the reading aloud practice, starting at infancy; the kindergarten and school environment. What is more, we concluded that all adults, participating in children’s lives: parents; relatives; educators; librarians; social media influencers are role models with a strong influence on the shaping of the attitudes of youngsters towards reading.Ler é uma forma de aprendizagem ativa e o cultivo de hábitos de leitura é vital para todas as crianças e jovens adultos. No entanto, de acordo com o indicador mais aprofundado e confiável do mundo sobre as competências dos alunos, o PISA, as competências de leitura entre os jovens não estão a melhorar. Este projecto tem como objetivo dar resposta às seguintes questões: qual é o estado geral dos hábitos de leitura das crianças e jovens europeus ?; como a leitura é incentivada e promovida para crianças e jovens na era digital ?; que estratégias e iniciativas de marketing e publicidade estão a ser introduzidas e praticadas na Europa para encorajar e promover a leitura entre crianças e jovens adultos ?. Para cumprir este objetivo, propomos uma pesquisa geral sobre os hábitos e atitudes de leitura de crianças e jovens adultos; uma revisão bibliográfica de pesquisas anteriores sobre o tema promoção da leitura, práticas positivas e estratégias de marketing; e um inquérito por questionário, realizado entre organizações europeias envolvidas na promoção do livro e da leitura. Pela observação dos dados recolhidos, podemos concluir que os hábitos de leitura e as atitudes de crianças e adultos jovens são pré-determinados numa idade muito jovem. Os fatores de influência mais importantes que examinamos foram o ambiente ativo de alfabetização domiciliária com acesso a livros e materiais de alfabetização desde a infância; a aplicação da prática da leitura em voz alta, desde a infância; o jardim de infância e o ambiente escolar. Além disso, concluímos que todos os adultos, participando na vida das crianças: pais; parentes; educadores; bibliotecários; os influenciadores das redes sociais são modelos de comportamento com forte influência na formação das atitudes dos jovens em relação à leitura

    Correlation between the road infrastructure and sustainable rural mobility: EU - Macedonia practices and needs

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    In the last few decades in the Republic of Macedonia, and especially in some parts, there have been significant changes in the population, especially in areas with primarily agricultural population. Bearing in mind the total knowledge of the influence of the wider geographical area on the development of the larger urban agglomerations, it is quite certain that the development policy so far in our country regarding the construction of the road network in the village was not sufficiently in accordance with real needs and opportunities, i.e. did not rest on wider and longer-term perceptions and processes. According to the dynamics of the movement of the structure of the non-agricultural population, which is expected to continue in the future, the issue of building, expanding and modernizing the road network in the villages is an inevitable need. Local authorities have an important role in regulating most of transport strategies that contribute towards facilitations and integrations of local needs and services. Take into consideration that this issue is part of Cohesion Policy of EU, Macedonian authorities must keep abreast with regional policy of rural development. Transport policy is not some miraculous tool with which to solve some rural development problems. It must work in unison with national development programs, physical planning, investment, region and economic policy, legal regulations and other areas. It must move in step with the implementation of these programs and respond with vitality and responsibility to the changes taking place in society. We must all acknowledge that, in many respects, our quality of life depends on the success of our transport policy

    How humanities can tackle with the consumption and greenhouse effect: through the prism of green logistics

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    Abstract Sustainable development is a complex and global problem. Poverty, inequality, opacity, drought, floods, green house effects are just a few pieces of the puzzle called a real-world ecosystem. One such piece of the multitude of global problems concerns on the transport and logistics problems in urban centers and the pronounced need for green logistics. Following modern technological trends and the need for long-term sustainable development and environmental protection, especially in urban areas, as a growing and unstoppable phenomenon caused by global technological progress, possible promising alternatives, research and solutions are focused on the concept of green infrastructure and green logistics. The concept of Green Logistics occupies an important place in optimizing the transport sector, reducing traffic congestion and reducing emissions from vehicles. The concept of Green Logistics is primarily focused on issues related to environmental protection, such as environmental pollution and emissions caused by non-standard and insufficiently professionally arranged logistics processes and the use of old and environmentally unsuitable transport technology. Green Logistics is a model that is planned, organized and implemented through an environmentally friendly and often socially friendly dimension, in addition to the economically functional one. Covers all entities, legislation, activities and participants in order to minimize the environmental impact of transport activities. The goal is to create sustainable value for the company using a stable balance of economic and environmental efficiency. To meet strictly defined environmental goals, green logistics includes all activities of the forward and reverse flows of products, information and services between the point of origin and the point of consumption. It is aim to create a sustainable company value using a balance of economic and environmental efficiency. Keywords: sustainable society, green infrastructure, green logistics, reverse Logistic

    Monte Carlo simulated stress test scenario on the case of Macedonian logistic companies

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    Abstract: In the face of intense business competition in the global market, transport and logistics companies often do not sufficiently analyze the detailed accounting statements for the incurred costs of individual processes, nor do they pay attention to certain scenarios for more successful management of certain unnecessary costs. Numerous scientific analyzes made by the academic and business sector indicate that companies would realize significant financial benefits, if they had full insight into the financial statements structured through multiple scenario simulations, which will see possible gains and losses over a period of analysis. The subject of this paper is to analyze the potential of logistic companies and their performance capacity though the Monte Carlo simulation of the net income values. We present the case of Macedonian logistic companies with the challenge of using the interactive testing environment in Power Bi for goal testing. For the purpose of testing, we generate 1 million data units in two scenarios of 10% increased and decreased net income value. This case was tested on data from year 2020 for Fershped, Kuehne & Nagel and Quehenberger Logistics as a part of Macedonian logistic industry. The results suggest that results of the simulations are in small favor of the values less than in the 2020. However, if we know that the values in 2020 are continuing a good result from 2019 we can conclude that the results expected for 2021 will results in strong positive values. Kew words: Macedonian logistic companies, Net income, Monte Carlo scenario, Power B

    TBIO-14. Characterisation of the arginine pathway enzymes in paediatric brain tumours to determine susceptibility to therapeutic arginine depletion

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    INTRODUCTIONExtracellular arginine dependency (auxotrophy) is increasingly being recognised in several tumours. This is due to the inability of cancer cells to recycle or synthesise intracellular arginine through the urea cycle pathway compared to normal cells. Whilst adult glioblastoma is known to exhibit this, the expression of the arginine pathway enzymes has not been delineated in paediatric brain tumours.METHODSWe used immunohistochemical methods to stain for arginine pathway enzymes in Paediatric High grade glioma (pHGG), low grade glioma (pLGG) and medulloblastoma (MB) tumour tissue microarrays (TMAs). The antibodies detected protein expression of the metaboliser Arginase (Arg2), recycling enzymes ornithine transcarbamoylase (OTC), Arginosuccinate synthetase (ASS1) and arginosuccinate lyase (ASL) as well as the transporter SLC7A1.RESULTSDeficiency of OTC, ASS1 and ASL were seen in 92%, 98% and 93% of pHGG samples (n=156) respectively, with deficiency defined as low

    Intense pulsed light (IPL): An innovative method for the treatment of Meibomian gland dysfunction in patients with dry eye disease

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    Introduction: Meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD) is a leading cause of dry eye syndrome. They produce lipids that contribute to the integrity of the tear film and slow down its evaporation. When these glands become blocked, they can lead to symptoms associated with dry eye disease. Until recently, only tear substitutes containing lipid components, omega-3 fatty acids, warm compresses, and topical anti-inflammatory agents were used for treatment. Intense pulsed light (IPL) therapy is a new treatment option for dry eye syndrome due to meibomian gland dysfunction.Aim: The aim of our study was to evaluate the efficacy and safety of IPL for the treatment of dry eye syndrome due to meibomian gland dysfunction in patients of different age groups by examining the non-invasive tear breakup time (NITBUT) and Schirmer’s test measured before IPL treatment and their change after two IPL procedures.Material and Methods: ANTARES corneal topographer (CSO, ANTARES-2017) was used to measure the indicators. Intense pulsed light treatment was given to 61 patients in both eyes. Each patient had a second-degree MGD and underwent two procedures at an interval of two weeks. The tear breakup time (TBUT) and Schirmer’s test were assessed at baseline and two weeks after the last treatment. The analysis, by which the data were processed, is GLM Repeated Measures.Results: The majority of tests documented an improvement in the clinically relevant parameters, including the tear breakup time, Schirmer’s test, meibum quality, and Standard Evaluation of Eye Dryness Questionnaire. Side effects were relatively rare, but included discomfort and skin erythema. Age, gender and the application of artificial tears did not have a significant effect on the described results.Conclusion: Intense pulsed light shows therapeutic potential for MGD treatment, improving the quality of the tear film and reducing the symptoms of dry eye syndrome

    Ден на сметководството

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    Иако зачетоците на сметководството се многу одамна, 10 ноември 1494 година се смета за почеток на формирањето на професијата сметководител низ целиот свет. Тогаш венецијанскиот математичар Лука Пачиоли, кој го нарекуваат и „татко на сметководството“, ја објави книгата „Збирот на аритметиката, геометријата, соодносите и пропорциите“, во која, меѓу другото, се зборува и за принципите на сметководството и методот на двојно книговодство, а исто така опишува и како да се користат сметководствените регистри и регистрацијата на дневниците за нарачки. Затоа Меѓународниот ден на сметководителот се слави на 10 ноември. Овој празник е признаен од Обединетите нации, по препорака на УНЕСКО. Меѓународниот ден на сметководството секоја година се прославува ширум светот за да им се оддаде признание на сметководителите кои имаат работа полна со предизвици, работа на која малку луѓе се подготвени да и се посветат. Во Република Северна Македонија, овој ден за прв пат беше прославен во 1972 година како “Ден на сметководствената кариера” за да се промовира сметководствената професија, а од 1976 година името се разви во “Ден на сметководството”

    Natura 2000 and spatial planning

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    Spatial planning which reconciles nature conservation with other policies' objectives can be a useful tool for implementing the EU nature legislation. However, a thorough exploration of the potential role of spatial planning and its instruments for the implementation of Natura 2000 has not yet been made either at EU or Member State level. In order to bridge this knowledge gap, this study provides an insight into the role and functions of spatial planning policies at EU and Member State level in relation to Natura 2000 and Nature Directives more generally. The key areas of analysis in this study are the notion and rationale of spatial planning, its instruments and governance processes, the mechanisms for integration of Natura 2000 in spatial planning processes and in sectoral policies, the EU-legal frameworks, cross border-cooperation and relevant spatial planning technologies

    „Биди Претприемач“ - Глобална Недела на Претприемништвото 2021

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    Хибриден настан (со физичко или онлајн учество) Цел на настанот: Поттикнување на средношколците и студентите да создадат претприемнички менталитет со цел активно да се впуштат во креирање на можности за самовработување и создавање на нови и брзорастечки бизниси. Настанот е дел од Глобалната недела на претприемништво (ГНП2021) како еднонеделна иницијатива која се случува истовремено во 180 земји ширум светот. Организатори: Економски Факултет (УГД) - Штип и Стартап Македониј